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Old 30-10-2004, 12:11 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Default Another Introduction to Marine

Another link for those new to the hobby to look through...
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Old 30-10-2004, 12:14 PM   #2
Posts: n/a

To faciliate easy reading... i shall cut and paste from the website...

So, you are wondering if a saltwater aquarium is for you. Most people
believe that marine aquarium keeping is infinitely more difficult than
freshwater. Not so. The simple truth is that saltwater fish and
invertebrates are not necessarily more difficult to keep, they just
have different requirements than freshwater fish and are a bit less
forgiving when it comes to mistakes. If you have not read the
beginners section, please do it now. The key to fully understanding
this section is to understand the basics presented there.

Beginning Saltwater -- Before Buying Your Fish

The Basic Parameters

So what's different about saltwater versus freshwater? As alluded to
above, saltwater fish are more sensitive to changes in their
environment. The critical parameters of a saltwater tank are pH,
nitrate, salinity, and temperature. During the cycling process,
ammonia and nitrite can also be a problem. These elements are not
different from those of a freshwater tank, but the degree to which
they may stray is vastly different.

The pH of a marine tank is one of the most important parameters.
Marine fish and invertebrates are especially sensitive to rapid
changes in their pH, so keeping pH fluctuations within 0.2 each day is
very critical. All marine creatures like a pH near 8.2, ranging from
8.0 to 8.4. The pH should never drop below 8.0.

The next critical parameter is nitrates. Saltwater fish are more
tolerant of higher nitrates than invertebrates (in general), but still
like nitrates lower than 20ppm, with less than 5ppm being required for
most invertebrates. Reef keepers tend to quote anything higher than
0.5ppm as unacceptable, but this is an unrealistic goal for fish-only
or minimal invertebrate tanks.

The next parameter of concern is salinity, or specific gravity.
Loosely (very loosely), specific gravity is the amount of salt in the
water. Many aquarists treat specific gravity and salinity as one and
the same, but technically speaking, they are not. Specific gravity is
temperature dependent and salinity is not. Most hydrometers
(hydrometers measure specific gravity) are calibrated to read the
correct specific gravity at 59F. Since this is a little low for most
tanks, hobbyist grade hydrometers are usually temperature corrected to
read the correct specific gravity at or around 77F (25C).

In any case, most creatures will acclimate to almost any specific
gravity (within reason), so long as it does not vary widely. The
specific gravity of a saltwater tank should be around 1.022. It's
worth noting that the salinity of natural sea water varies according
to location (ocean, to lagoons, to estuaries), ranging anywhere from
1.020 to 1.030. So different fish might be native to different
salinities, and may need some time to acclimate to a different

Finally, the temperature of a saltwater tank is basically the same as
a freshwater tank. Anywhere between 75F to 80F (24C - 27C), with 77F
(25C) being a good midpoint. Wild temperature variations increase fish
stress and invariably lead to disease, so a good heater (or chiller)
is a must. As an aside, submersible heaters tend to be preferred over
hang on the back kinds. Also, they seem to be somewhat more reliable
than the less expensive `clip-on' kind.

Other parameters worth keeping an eye on are alkalinity and calcium.
The alkalinity of a saltwater tank is really critical for long term
success. Without a decent alkalinity reading, the pH of the tank will
drop over time and endanger the lives of your pets. The alkalinity of
a saltwater tank should be around 2.5 to 3.5 meq/l.

Calcium is more of a reef keeper's issue than a fish-only tank.
However, once you advance and wish to keep invertebrates, monitoring
calcium levels becomes a must. Without calcium, and other trace
elements, invertebrates can not properly form their exoskeletons and
will not survive. Calcium levels should be 400 to 450 ppm Ca++. For
more information about adding calcium, see the REEFKEEPERS' FAQ.

Some of the more easier to keep invertebrates, such as shrimps, also
need regular supplements of iodine and other trace elements. Most
foods will supply the necessary amounts of these elements. However, if
you are using a protein skimmer, these elements will be stripped from
the water and need to be replaced manually. Once a gain the
reefkeeper's FAQ has more information about trace element additions.
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Old 30-10-2004, 12:15 PM   #3
Posts: n/a
Default The Basic Components Part 1

The Basic Components

Now that we are comfortable with the basic parameters of a saltwater
aquarium, let's look into what is needed to run a successful tank.

The components needed to run a successful saltwater tank depends a lot
on who you talk to. You should never operate solely under the advice
of one person. For example, many people advocate using under gravel
filters for biological filtration. This however, must be tempered with
wisdom. A saltwater tank running an under gravel filter (UGF) with
minimal circulation will be much more work than a than a system
running a wet/dry filter and a couple of powerheads. Wet/Dry filters
tend to require less maintenance, as UGF's tend to become clogged over

Not to get too buried in details, the basic components of a saltwater
tank are the tank, decorations, filtration (including protein
skimming), lighting, water, and test kits.

One of the most important decisions in starting a saltwater aquarium
will be the size of the tank. The basic rule of thumb is the bigger
the better. A larger tank will be easier to control and gives a bit
more leeway for mistakes (which are inevitable). The smallest tank for
beginners should be no less than 20 gallons, with 55 gallons being
even better. For someone versed in fish keeping (i.e., converting from
fresh to saltwater), a 10 or 15 gallon tank will work, but is not
suggested. In general, fish like long, wide tanks. The more surface
area a tank has, the better the gas exchange will be and the happier
the fish will be.

Before finalizing on a tank size, remember that fish densities are
much lower for saltwater than freshwater. That is, you can not put as
many fish in a saltwater tank as you can in a freshwater tank. Putting
more than 2 saltwater fish in 10 gallon tank is asking for trouble. A
general rule of thumb is 4" (10cm) of small-to-medium fish per 10
gallons, or 2" (5cm) of larger/fast growing fish per 10 gallons. This
is just a rough estimate of the number of fish. There is no exact
number since finding the stocking density has to take into account the
filtration, maintenance, feeding schedule, etc..

Beyond the number of fish you wish to keep, the tank's size will also
affect your filtration and lighting choices, both in cost and design.
Tanks which are 48 inches (122cm) long are usually cheaper to light
because the lamps are more readily available. However, the larger the
tank, the more light you will need to provide your inhabitants.
Moreover, a larger tank needs efficient filtration to keep the system
thriving. A good size tank is around 55 gallons.

As a note, scrutinize hoods carefully. Many of them are designed for
48" tanks, but require two 24" lamps rather than one 48" lamp. (24"
lamps are usually more expensive than 48" lamps.)

Once you have decided on a tank, make sure you have a place to put it.
The tank should not be in direct sunlight or in an area which is very
drafty. Also, make very certain the stand will be capable of holding
the weight of the tank, plus substrate, plus rocks, plus water. In
total, a 55 gallon tank will probably weigh over 800 pounds.

After selecting the tank, consideration must be given to the
substrate. It is best to use a calcareous substrate such as crushed
coral or dolomite. These substrates will, at least initially, help
buffer the water by adding ions to the buffering system. Generally the
substrate should not be so tiny as to get sucked into the filter or
pumps, and not so large as to make the tank unsightly. Also, some fish
(e.g., Gobies) like smaller grades of substrate over larger ones.
Something in the 2-5mm department seems average.

Live sand is one substrate which has recently gained a fair amount of
publicity. This technology is really in its infancy and is not
recommended for beginners. You can find more information in the

After you select a substrate, consider the filtration system you plan
to use. Your choice in filtration may impact the amount to substrate
you need. A UGF or RUGF filter should have about 2-3" (5cm) of medium
grade (2-3mm) substrate covering the filter plate. You do not need
substrate when you use non-UGF filters (e.g., hang-on-the-back power
filters), but, most people use between a 1/2" to 1" for such tanks.
It's interesting to note that too much substrate in a non-UGF system
might lead to dead spots, which can kill your inhabitants (a plug for
regular gravel cleaning). More detailed information about filtration
can be found in the FILTER FAQ.

Next, consider the decorations, of which there are a cornucopia of
choices. Dead coral, lava rock, tufa rock, live rock, and many more.
Coral pieces are the most popular, but are also some of the most
expensive. Lava and tufa rock are inexpensive and may also be stacked
to make interesting reef looking tanks. Live rock is one of those buzz
words that people like to throw around and one which gets a lot of
hype. Live rock is simply rock taken from a reef system which has been
populated by many different organisms.

Many aquarist dedicated to fish-only setups are beginning to discover
the benefits of having live rock in their system. Live rock produces a
more natural environment for the fish and also aids in nitrification
and denitrification. This implies that the live rock is more that just
a decoration, it is actually part of the filtration system. Although
it is difficult to use live rock as the sole source of filtration in a
fish-only setup, it certainly can be used effectively to reduce
nitrates. The use of live rock in fish-only setups must be closely
monitored though. If nutrient levels in the aquarium are high, the
live rock will be the first to demonstrate this fact. Live rock in
presence of high nutrient levels will grow unhealthy amounts of hair
algae, and in some cases, cyanobacteria (slime algae). To avoid
outbreaks of plague algaes, a few simple rules must be followed.
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Old 30-10-2004, 12:16 PM   #4
Posts: n/a
Default The Basic Components Part 2

First, you must start will high quality live rock; live rock which is
highly encrusted in coralline algae. Avoid live rock which already has
hair algae growing on it. Regular additions of calcium may also be
needed to keep the coralline algae thriving. Next, you need to keep
nitrate levels low (~10ppm) and ensure you have nearly undetectable
levels of phosphate (~0.02 ppm). Finally, feed sparingly; decomposing
food is one of the main avenues for introducing phosphate/nitrate and
contributing to alga e problems.

If you plan to add live rock to your system, remember live rock
contains living organisms, so they can be killed along with any other
organism in your tank. It's a good idea to wait until after the tank
is set up before buying live rock. There is no good place to store
live rock other than in a circulating tank. Trying to do otherwise
will be disastrous and costly. Also, if you are going to put live rock
into an established tank, the rock must be cured live rock (for a more
detailed discussion of cured live rock, see the REEFKEEPERS' FAQ.

Filtration is covered in detail in its own FAQ, with most of the
information being relatively generic and applicable to marine tanks.
However, there are certain caveats that should be noted. If you decide
to use a UGF, reverse flow setups are better. A RUGF will keep
nitrates lower by keeping the substrate cleaner and will aid water
movement and circulation.

In addition to good filtration, water movement is a must in saltwater
aquaria. Without circulation the system will be unstable and usually
tends to grow unhealthy amounts of algae and other undesirables. The
easiest way to achieve water movement is to have a powerhead in the
tank for circulation. One must be careful though, a medium sized
powerhead in a small tank will easily make a tornado- like environment
and cause problems for small or slow moving creatures.

One of the best possible filtration systems for a fish-only marine
tank is a wet/dry filter. Although commercial setups are fairly
expensive, a wet/dry filter can be made very inexpensively at home
with little effort. The ARCHIVE has a lot of information about
constructing your own W/D filter system (as well as other fish related

Many people advocate wet/dry filters for marine tanks stating they are
the only acceptable solution. This is simply not true. Any one of the
popular filtration systems may be used for a marine tank. The key to
success is providing adequate biological filtration without trapping
excess detritus. Trapping detritus produces nitrates and inevitably
leads to problem algae outbreaks. Which ever filtration system you
choose, be sure to rinse the mechanical filtration media at least once
a week. Ideally you should rinse the media in old saltwater from the
tank to minimize the disruption of any nitrifying bacteria growing on
the media.

A part of filtration which most recently has gained wide spread
acceptance is protein skimming, or foam fractionation. Protein
skimmers are a must for a decently stocked saltwater tank as they
strip dissolved organic particles from the water before they can be
converted to nitrates.

There are simply too many models and manufacturers to discuss all of
them, but the two basic designs are air-driven and venturi. Air-driven
protein skimmers use a wooden or glass airstone to produce bubbles in
a column of water. Venturi skimmers use a venturi valve to inject
bubbles into the water column. Both air-driven and venturi have
co-current and counter-current designs, with counter-current protein
skimmers being far superior to co-current models.

In deciding on a protein skimmer, there are some basic things to
consider. Air-driven skimmers use airstones which must be replaced on
a regular basis (usually every month or so). Additionally, they
usually require more maintenance than venturi skimmers to maintain
proper skimming. Venturi skimmers on the other hand require very
powerful pumps to achieve effective protein skimming. They are usually
more expensive than air-driven skimmers as well. Also, any skimmer
smaller than 24" should be avoided for heavily loaded tanks.

Whichever type of skimmer you buy, the final cost of the skimmer must
not overlook the need for an external water pump and potentially an
air pump. A $200 venturi protein skimmer usually doesn't include a
$150 high pressure pump; a fact that most people seem to miss the
first time around.

With the setup nearly complete, you need to consider your near-term
and far-term lighting requirements. If you plan on having a fish-only
tank forever, then you only need a single full spectrum bulb. However,
if you plan to advance in your hobby and keep more sensitive animals
such as anemones, you must carefully select your lighting (and
filtration as well). Anemones require very strong, full spectrum
lighting, supplemented with actinic blue. The general rule of thumb is
a minimum of 3-4 watts per gallon, with the higher values for deeper
tanks (greater than 18-24 inches). The standard Perfecto hood will not
provide enough light to keep anemones alive (or other light-loving
invertebrates for that matter).

For a beginning aquarist, fluorescent lighting is probably the best.
Metal halide lighting is really for reef keeping and heavily planted
freshwater tanks. In any case, if you want or will need something more
than a single lamp, your choices are limited. The best thing to do is
to build your own hood with custom lighting, or buy one through mail
order. Fish store prices usually preclude aquarists from getting
proper lighting.

If you select a custom fluorescent hood, then you will have to choose
between normal output (NO), high output (HO) and very high output
(VHO). Most people with fish-only tanks stay with NO lamps. Both HO
and VHO lamps require special ballasts, are more expensive than NO
lamps, and need to be replaced more often (more $$).

One critical item in a saltwater tank that doesn't really fit into any
of the above topics is that which sets it apart - the marine salt.
There are many different brands of salt on the market, all of them
being basically the same. The only difference among them is whether or
not they have nitrates and phosphates. Both of these are very bad for
aquaria, so salts which have them must be avoided. Good salts include
Instant Ocean (IO), IO Reef Crystals, and Coralife. As a note,
standard rock salt can not be used as a substitute for marine salt
mixes. Rock salt does not contain the important elements that marine
creatures need to survive.

To measure the specific gravity of your saltwater you will need a
hydrometer. There are two basic types of hydrometers available to
hobbyist, the floating kind which usually measures temperature as
well, and the plastic kind with a floating arm. It's basically a toss
up as to which one to get, but the plastic kind has a larger scale and
is easier to read.

The final component needed to run a successful saltwater aquarium is
test kits. In order of importance, they are pH, nitrate, phosphate,
alkalinity, nitrite, ammonia and Calcium (for reef tanks, the calcium
test kit is more important than nitrite and ammonia). A good pH test
kit is critical, and an electronic pH monitor is even better. Ammonia
and nitrite tests are only needed occasionally after cycling. A
nitrate test kit is a good overall test for water quality after the
tank becomes established. You should perform a pH test once a week and
a nitrate test every two weeks. The other kits are not necessary, but
may be needed to solve particular problems or after you advance to
more delicate creatures.
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Old 30-10-2004, 12:18 PM   #5
Posts: n/a
Default Setting Up

Setting Up
The following section briefly explains what you need to do to
initially setup your tank.

The first thing you need to do is to place the stand in it's final
position. Make sure the stand is level in all direction. Next, place a
piece of Styrofoam or rubber on the top of stand where the tank will
sit. This eliminates small gaps between the stand and tank reducing
pressure points which might cause the tank to crack after being
filled. After the stand is positioned, place the tank on the stand.
Make sure the tank is level in all directions. Note, a tank that is
not level has a great chance of cracking after it is filled.

Where ever you place the tank now is most likely where it will remain
for its lifetime. You should never move a tank that has water in it
since this is a sure way to crack it.

Once the tank is placed, install the filtration. If it is an UGF, then
place the filter plate(s) on the bottom of the tank. If it is a
wet/dry, then connect the prefilter and all the hoses.

Prior to adding the substrate, rinse it with plain water until the
water runs clear, and then add it to the tank. On top of the substrate
arrange the decorations. Now the saltwater may be added. The easiest
way to add water to a tank is to place a plate on the substrate and
pour the water onto the plate.

When initially setting up your tank it is okay to fill the tank with
dechlorinated water and then add the salt mix. However, subsequent
water changes need to be premixed. Pre-mixing saltwater is done for
two reasons, it gives time for the salt to thoroughly dissolve and
also allows the water parameters to stabilize. Adding 10 gallons of
freshwater and then an appropriate amount of salt to an established
tank is a big mistake (and an excellent way to kill your inhabitants).

One note on making saltwater. The source water you use for mixing is
extremely important to the overall success and health of the system.
There is more to be said about this later, but for now, realize that
tap water probably won't be good enough for your tank.

When all the water is in place, start up the filter system and check
for any leaks (of both water and air). Let the tank sit for a day or
so to clarify (with the filtration running). Now you can add fish.

How many fish you add for the cycling process depends on the size of
the tank and the cycling method you choose. You can cycle a tank
without any fish at all. In this case, you add ammonium chloride to
simulate fish waste and an initial source of nitrifying bacteria. It
is best to get a bacteria culture from an established saltwater tank.
This can be in the form of some substrate, old filter media, or some
macroalgae such as Caulerpa spp.. Live rocks are also an excellent
source of nitrifying bacteria.

If you choose to cycle your tank using fish, which is infinitely more
interesting than a tank full of circulating water, the number of fish
needed depends on the size of the tank. In any case, two fish are
preferable to one. If one fish dies, you will still have one to finish
the cycling. Of course the second fish may pass on too. If all the
fish die, then you have to remove all the contaminants from the tank
and introduce more organisms (read this as start all over).

Cycling doesn't have to be limited to fish though. Crabs and mollusks
can also be used. However, since these organisms don't produce much
waste, it will take longer to cycle the tank.

This article is a bit out-dated. We don't encourage using fish to cycle. Using LR and a market prawn is enough to start a cycle
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Old 30-10-2004, 12:21 PM   #6
Posts: n/a
Default Maintenace

Saltwater Maintenance
The cycling process will undoubtedly be the most tense time for you
and your new tank. So below is a guide to the first few days and
months of your tank.

Over the course of the first 4 to 6 weeks your tank will demonstrate
the typical cycling process (which is described in detail the BEGINNER
FAQ). During this critical time, you should carefully watch the
ammonia and nitrites in the tank. If the fish look stressed (darting
around the tank, gasping for air, or not moving at all), a partial
water change might be in order. If the fish look really bad, they may
have to be moved to another tank or storage location until the
toxicity of the tank is reduced. You should always keep salt mix and
dechlorinated water on hand for impromptu water changes.

Along with monitoring ammonia and nitrites, you should keep a careful
eye on the pH (you should always watch the pH, not just during the
cycling process). The pH will tend to fall over time and needs to
raised. The easiest way to raise the pH is through additions of sodium
bicarbonate (i.e., baking soda). Mix a tablespoon or so of baking soda
in a cup of dechlorinated water and slowly add it to the tank. Slowly
means over the course of an hour or two. Baking soda will cause a
short term drop in the pH, but will bring the pH to 8.2 over time.

As time marches on, water will evaporate from the tank and need to be
replenished. The water that evaporates is freshwater and needs to be
replaced with freshwater. You should never use saltwater for makeup
water (unless you want to increase the salinity of the tank).

As the tank matures, algae will start to grow (usually around week 2
or 3). Typically brown algae, otherwise known as diatoms, will be the
first algae that shows up in the tank. Brown algae will usually cover
everything in the tank and need to be cleaned every week or so. With
time green algae should overtake the diatoms and the brown algae will
disappear all together. If it doesn't, there might not be enough light
for the green algae to out-compete the diatoms.

After the tank completes cycling, it will be time for your first major
water change. Although the amount of water you change is really up to
you, it should be a significant portion of the water. Something like
40 to 50%, with 100% of the water not being uncommon. When changing
the water, the gravel should also be cleaned. There are many
commercially available gravel cleaners on the market.

The chemistry of the change water should be as close to the tank's
water as possible. The pH should be within 0.2 and the temperature
should be within 1-2 degrees. It is better to have the change water
warmer than cooler (imagine the shock of a cold shower and you will
know how your fish will react to cooler change water).

After the first water change you should establish a regular
maintenance schedule. Something like monthly water changes, weekly
algae scrapings, and bi-weekly feedings are normal.

A note on nutrition. Saltwater fish need varied diets. Constantly
feeding your fish flake food may provide it with all the necessary
vitamins and minerals, but this may ultimately cause a nutrition
deficiency of sorts. Alternating between cut up shrimp and clam, flake
food and frozen/live brine shrimp makes a good combination.
Herbivorous fish, like Yellow Tangs, also like romaine lettuce or Nori
(an algae regularly sold at oriental markets) on a regular basis.
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Old 30-10-2004, 12:22 PM   #7
Posts: n/a
Default Conversion fron freshwater to saltwater

Converting to Saltwater

One of the most frequently asked questions in the news groups is how
to convert from freshwater to saltwater. What equipment needs to
replaced, what needs to purchased, etc..

Most equipment used in freshwater can be used in a saltwater system,
with a few exceptions. You should start by replacing your gravel with
some sort of calcerous material. Examples include crushed coral,
dolomite and argonite. Using these types of substrate tend to help
buffer the water and produce a more stable environment. Next, you need
to check all your equipment for anything metal. Saltwater will rust
anything except the highest grade stainless steel. There are stainless
steels on the market which will rust when exposed to saltwater.
Needless to say, you need to replace or get rid of anything made of

The filtration system used in your freshwater system will usually be
adequate for a saltwater system. However, you can use this opportunity
to upgrade or change filtration mechanisms. Also, which ever type of
filtration system you are using, you should add some sort of extra
water circulation to the tank. Saltwater has a lower dissolved oxygen
content than freshwater, so you need to keep the water in the tank
moving. Actually, it needs to do more than move. You need to disrupt
the surface of the water to maximize oxygen transfer with the

The lighting you used for you freshwater system should also work for a
fish-only saltwater tank. However, if you want to keep invertebrates,
you will need to upgrade (more that just your lighting).

One part of a freshwater system that needs to be replaced is the food.
Marine fish need varied diets. You need to supply your fish with a
combination of fresh, frozen and live food. Flake food, although
adequate, should not be the major portion of your fish's diet.

Finally, when you are ready to make the switch to saltwater, you
really should replace all the water in your system. It is best to
start with nitrate free water to minimize the potential for algae
problems. Also, many people think that adding salt to a cycled
freshwater tank will yield a cycled saltwater tank. Experience have
shown this is not true. Saltwater nitrifying bacteria are different
than freshwater nitrifying bacteria, so they must be cultured from
scratch. As a note, nitrifying bacteria seem to be pH and temperature
sensitive. So moving some gravel from a warm saltwater tank (~85F/24C)
to a temperate saltwater tank (72F/21C) will shock the bacteria enough
to nullify any advantage from using the gravel (e.g., to shorten the
cycle time).
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Old 30-10-2004, 12:23 PM   #8
Posts: n/a
Default Conclusions

General Notes

Keeping a quarantine tank is especially important for saltwater tanks.
It can be very difficult to treat a sick fish when it is continually
being harassed by healthier fish. Also, some medications, namely
copper, will kill invertebrates. You should NEVER put copper into your
main tank. Contrary to popular belief, you will never be able to get
all of the copper out of the tank. Also, using copper in a tank which
contains live rock will decimate the life forms populating the rock,
as most of them are invertebrates.

Source water for saltwater tanks is also very important. Although the
water authority says that tap water is fit for human consumption, it
may not be fit for your fish. Tap water typically contains chlorine
and chloramine, which will kill your fish. Although these will have an
immediate effect on your fish, there are usually other contaminates in
tap water which need time to affect the tank. In particular,
phosphates will cause massive growths of hair algae and potentially
cyanobacteria outbreaks (red slime algae). Without good quality source
water, your tank will not be the continuous joy you hoped it would be.

The best water purifiers on the market are reverse osmosis units.
These, coupled with de-ionizing resins, produce water which is 98%
pure. If the price of a RO/DI combination is too much, then you can
always use distilled water (not spring water). However, distilled
water may have been stored in copper containers which will kill

Before you start your saltwater tank, find a good store near you. Good
stores will have knowledgeable staff and exhibit a general concern
about the care of the animals. If the store has few saltwater tanks,
with a lot of sick or dying fish, don't buy any fish there, even if
they look healthy.

The last point about keeping saltwater fish is to read, read, read.
The FAQ is no substitution for reading a good book. Some of the best
are The Marine Aquarium Handbook by Martin Moe, The Book of the Marine
Aquarium distributed by Tetra Press, and The Marine Aquarium Reference
also by Martin Moe. Also, don't be afraid to post to *.aquaria. Just
don't forget to include all the importance specifications (e.g.,
ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, temperature, how old the tank is, how
big the tank is, and what the inhabitants are). Happy fish keeping.
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Old 09-11-2004, 12:44 AM   #9
Posts: n/a

Some more to read here:
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