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Old 11-11-2014, 11:46 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2012
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Lightbulb [Flowerhorn Feeding Guide]


Cichlids in general have a voracious appetite and they would literally eat everything up as long as their stomach capacity can accommodate the food they eat. Flowerhorns being cichlids have the same ability to eat large amounts of food if permitted.

In nature where food is literally within their midst, it is not a problem when cichlids overfeed. It is because they have an enormous swimming area to venture into that can help them digest and utilize the food that they eat because of more the vigorous swimming leading to more energy consumption. In an aquarium setting where the swimming area is limited hence energy spending is less, the golden rule is not to overfeed the fish otherwise diseases secondary to overfeeding which leads to the lowering of their immune system will develop most common of which is Hexamita infection. (A separate article on Hexamita is posted in the page).

This article serves as a guide and may not necessarily be applicable to all types of flowerhorns especially for fishes who are used to pump feeding in their early life but this guide will be a lifesaving tool for your fish if you have no idea on how much they can eat. The mathematical ratios below are scientifically-based as the recommended food consumption is based on their anthropometric measurements and not just a mere guessing of numbers.


FINGERLINGS LESS THAN A MONTH are fed with brine shrimp or daphnia.
Wriggler Stage (Day 1 to Day 4) - No feeding
Free Swim Stage (Day 5 to Day 15) - Once a day brine shrimp
Fry Stage - (Day 16 to Day 30) - Twice a day brine shrimp

Day 31 - Day 45 - tubifex once a day
Day 46 - Day 60 - tubifex twice a day, powdered pellets


So how do we accurately determine the amount of food that we give to our fishes? The key factor is their body size or length measured in inches and the typical food this article is referring to are flowerhorn pellets. Measure your fish from the tip of their snout to the tip of the tail (end of the body, do not include the tail fin in the measurement).

For every inch of the body length of the fish, one large pellet is given. Another pellet is added for every inch of growth the fish has attained over time. This is done when the fish body diameter is less than one inch. If the diameter is more than one inch, the amount of pellets can be doubled --- with recommended once a day feeding. To get the diameter, measure the area centermost area from the ventrum (belly) of the fish up to its dorsum (top area) excluding the dorsal fins.

Example: Same body length but different diameters.
1. A fish has a body length of 3 inches and a diameter of 0.55 inches. Therefore only three pellets per feeding should be given.
2. A fish has a body length of 3 inches and a diameter of 1.05 inches. Therefore the fish can have up to 6 pellets per feeding.

If the body length falls on a point between the two actual inch mark (ex. 2.4 inches), our basis in determining whether to add another pellet is the midway point of the measure or the 0.5 mark. If the body length falls before the 0.5 mark (ex. 2.4), no additional pellet is given but if it goes beyond the 0.5 mark (ex. 2.7) then it is safe to add one more pellet.

Example: Three fishes with close body length measurements.
1. Fish A - 3.00 inches - three pellets
2. Fish B - 3.45 inches - three pellets
3. Fish C - 3.75 inches - four pellets

Giving extra food allocation per feeding to your fishes can be tolerated but the basis is still the body length. Two additional pellets on top of the pre-determined number of pellets can be added for every four inch body length.

Example: Comparison of body lengths and number of pellets given.
1. Fish A - 3.00 inches - three pellets (no allowance)
2. Fish B - 4.00 inches - four pellets plus two pellet allowance (6)
3. Fish C - 8.00 inches - eight pellets plus four pellet alllowance (12)

Below summarizes the feeding guide explained on top.
1. One pellet per one inch body length and less than one inch in diameter.
2. Double the number of pellets if the body diameter is beyond one inch.
3. Two pellets as additional allowance can be given for every four-inch body length.
4. If body length is not a whole number, round-off to the nearest inch and add one pellet if the measurement is one step higher.

Just double the feeding you make in once a day feeding. Feed every 12 hours.

Get the total number of pellets a flowerhorn is supposed to get based on the twice per day feeding. Divide it into three then add one pellet per feeding. Most importantly, use a tank heater to increase the metabolism of the fish to avoid the occurrence of bloating and Hexa infection.

Total number of pellets per day: 12
Divide into three: 4 pellets plus one more pellet
Number of pellets per feeding (thrice per day): 5 pellets

Credit to: Flowerhorn Empire Philippines
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Old 12-11-2014, 07:51 AM   #2
patclay's Avatar
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Very informative. Thanks for the guide.
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Old 12-11-2014, 08:12 AM   #3
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 273

Thanks.This is a rare topic and it really surprise me n benefit me as well.
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Old 12-11-2014, 12:57 PM   #4
ChongoBongo's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2004
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thanks for sharing, good info to have
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Old 19-11-2014, 10:17 PM   #5
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 100

Originally Posted by patclay View Post
Very informative. Thanks for the guide.
Originally Posted by anhtan View Post
Thanks.This is a rare topic and it really surprise me n benefit me as well.
Originally Posted by ChongoBongo View Post
thanks for sharing, good info to have
Useful information must share!
glare842006 is offline   Reply With Quote

feeding, flowerhorn, guide, pellets, time

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